Trophy Barrel Racing Stirrups

Trophy Barrel Racing Stirrups

SSS 103

Call Us Today (915) 491-8660

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Sheridan Buckle

Regular price $180.00

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only -134 left in stock

Trophy Barrel Stirrup Details


Trophy stirrups are a very unique prize to give away at your next barrel race or gymkhana. Each pair of trophy stirrups are customized with your lettering to present as a prize worth competing for. One side of the stirrup is engraved and one side is smooth. Each pair of stirrups are is made out of aluminum with hand engraving from our professionals to astonish your recipient. The rubber bottoms grip your boots well to make them a great pair of stirrups to use. They will grab these and stick them right on their saddle advertising where they won them. Add your event lettering, logo, figurine or just personalize for yourself. This is a great gift for yourself as well as trophies to give away. Start designing your prize line today.

How To Order

Online Order

1) Fill out Trophy Barrel Stirrup Form (above)

2) Once you complete the customizations for the trophy stirrups you need  finalize the checkout process by clicking the shopping bag in top right hand corner.

3) Fill out your address and payment details.

Email Order

1) Start Email to 

2) Please include in email

  1. Style of trophy stirrups you need
  2. All lettering each pair needs
  3. Event figurines and/or Organizational logos you need on the stirrups 
  4. Phone number, shipping address and your email for contact. 

Phone Order

1) Call us at 915-491-8660 to start an order over the phone. 

2) Upon calling in we will ask you for.....

  1. Style of trophy stirrup you need
  2. All lettering each pair needs
  3. Event figurines and/or organizational logos you want on the stirrups
  4. Phone number, shipping address and your email for contact. 

1) Trophy Stirrups take 12 weeks for completion.

2) Trophy stirrups ship directly to your address provided and take 4-6 days for shipping.

3) Faster shipping is available and if your event date is soon. Please be sure we know your event date.



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