Queen and Princess Rodeo Crown Details
To be the face and female representative of rodeo, cowgirls work hard to become the rodeo queen. The rodeo queen crown made by Sheridan is fitted and designed by cowgirls ready to show what they have accomplished to be crowned this honor. Sheridan fits and designs rodeo queen tiaras to fit the cowgirls hat and customize them to fit their needs.
The rodeo queen and princess crowns are all handmade and hand engraved to give them elegance and beauty to be worn with pride. Each hand crafted rodeo queen tiara is custom made to your specifications so you look your best at your professional events.
Look at our styles of rodeo crowns Sheridan offers and see if one can be customized with your touch or if you have ideas of your own please call us.
We build Rodeo Queen Crowns and Tiaras, Rodeo Princess Crowns and Tiaras as well as Lil Miss Crowns and Tiaras. We can size them accordingly.
How To Order
Online Order
1) Fill out our Crown Customization Form (above) for your crown.
2) Once you complete the customizations for your crown, finalize checkout process by clicking the shopping bag in top right hand corner.
3) Fill out your address and payment details.
Email Order
1) Start Email to sheridanbuckleco@gmail.com
2) Please include in email
- Style of Crown or multiple crowns you need
- All lettering each Crown you need
- Event figurines and/or Organizational logos you need on your crown
- Stone color you like on your crown
Phone number, shipping address and your email for contact.
Phone Order
1) Call us at 915-491-8660 to start an order over the phone.
2) Upon calling in we will ask you for.....
- Style of crown or multiple crowns you need
- All lettering each buckle needs
- Event figurines and/or Organizational logos you need on buckles
- Stone color you like on buckles
Phone number, shipping address and your email for contact.
1) Buckles take 6-8 weeks for completion.
2) Buckles ship directly to your address provided and take 4-6 days for shipping.
3) Faster shipping is available and if your event date is soon. Please be sure we know your event date.